Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dry Tortugas - The Ultimate Getaway

Spent thanksgiving w/ a group of folks from Scubaboad and ZenDiving on a live-aboard charter to the Dry Tortugas. The operation is first rate, and my no-carb diet lasted all of a day as they keep you well fed. The weather was less than optimal with high winds and the winter water temps coming in arond 75 degrees. The sun poked out a few times, but it was mostly overcast and very chilly. The cold air just sucks your strength. I'll definately go back, but aiming for sometime in August, when the sun is still shining and lobster season in full swing. I managed to bag 8 bugs on three dives, not awesome, but not shabby as I had the largest take of bugs for the trip.

Pics posted here

Somehow I managed to be right on time, but the last to arrive, and therefore, received the absolute worst bunk on the entire boat. The upper bunk at the tip of the v-berth. I had all of 18" to squirm in and out of the bunk. The seas didn't bother me much, and I bought my bose noise cacelling headphones, so I slept relitevely peacefull.

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